September 8th. I really cannot believe it. What a date. A lot of emotions going on today and last night, but ultimately I am so excited to be moving towards this next step.
Yesterday, we had our second day of staging. More getting to know each other, more getting to know the Peace Corps and Morocco. Overall, I felt that the information was presented in a way that I didn't feel overwhelmed or bored. Which is saying a lot considering how much time we spent in one room. I believe I'm with an amazing group of people.
Last night we had some time to walk around Philadelphia. A group of us went down to the Liberty Bell and then walked around until we found food. Don't look to hard for me in that group shot, I was taking the photo.
I got back to the room early last night to decompress and make a call or two.
Today I will be getting on a bus up to New York and then flying out to Morocco. Once there, my cell phone will no longer work and internet accesses may be more difficult. Be patient if you are waiting to hear from me, I will try to post here when I can.
Onward to Morocco!
Lisa--Hope your Sept. 8th day went well--so much emotion on this day--I will pray for you. Don't know if you will be able to post before you actually leave the country--I have seen many people on computers at the airport, so you might be able to. Fly with angels. Let us know when you get in country. Love, Mom
yo Lis! Pretty exciting! Looks like you all had a cool time in PA. Who's the guy in the picture on the far left? He looks hot and tall. lol. So are all of these people going to Morocco with you or are they all going to different places? I had an adorable Shar-Pei puppy as my patient today! His name was Sumo.
Apparently Loda likes her men like she likes her Starbucks coffee: hot and tall. :)
tru dat
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